Monday, March 19, 2012

NFC... Near Field Communication

Communication between two or more electronic devices are done by using a set of rules which govern the communication to allow the correct transmission of data. The set of rules that govern a particular type of communication are called protocols. NFC (Near Field Communication) is one example of a protocol. NFC works with smart phones and some electronic devices. It allows communication of devices by bringing them close to each other or in contact with each other.
Customer paying with cellphone using NFC

Communication through the NFC protocol also allows communication between an NFC device and an unpowered NFC chip. NFC uses radio waves for communication between devices.
Some application of the near field communication protocol includes: Making Commercial transactions, simplifying Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections, Social Networking, and the carrying of identification documents.

In commerce, NFC is normally used as a way of providing contactless payments. This is done by your device containing your credit card information. When your device is brought in close contact to a device which can read this information, NFC allows you to do your transactions.
In the simplifying of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connecting setups, NFC allows exchange of setup information between devices thereby allowing the complex setup processes to be avoided. This is because the devices automatically do the whole setup process without asking for user input.
NFC can also be used for social networking since it allows for communication of devices in close proximity. Users of these devices can therefore communicate between each other without paying extra charges.

In some countries, citizens carry their identification information on their NFC devices. This can be quickly read by other NFC enabled devices which are used to read the identification information. Since NFC has a short range of transmission and the communication channel is encrypted, NFC provides a secure channel of exchanging sensitive information.

Nowadays many mobile manufacturers ensure that their devices are NFC enabled. Also many developers are creating NFC enabled applications. The Android Operating system fully supports the NFC standard.

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